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Program Modules

Omicron Upsilon Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Future Men of Tomorrow program module details:

Section Title

Academic Excellence

This module focuses on creating a positive outlook and attitude toward
education and career goals. The exercises will emphasize the discussion of turning negative
experiences in school into something positive and beneficial. The young men will have the
opportunity to write out personal short-term educational and long-term career goals for
themselves and follow steps to meet those goals.

Respect for Self and Others

This module focuses on promoting high self-esteem through skill-building exercises. This component will help the young men know and value themselves, have
the realistic sense of self-worth, be confident and respectful of everyone they interact with on a daily

Social Graces

This module focuses on promoting health and wellness for at-risk males and
will teach proper hygiene techniques. This module will also provide etiquette training.


This module will incorporate participation in Project Alpha as well as other
activities that will focus on the topics of responsibility, decision making, and peer pressure.
Facilitators will be the brothers of Alpha and members of various social service agencies.

Community Service Activity

Participants will develop an understanding of the importance of
civic engagement and community awareness by taking pride in their community and stressing
the importance of caring for others. Various community service projects will be developed and
executed by the participants.

Character Enrichment

Character enrichment will be addressed by introducing the participants
to situations that enhance character development through role-playing on integrity, caring,
fairness and trustworthiness.

Leadership Development

-This module will introduce leadership skills and expose the
participants to various individuals who successfully practice those skills. Participants will engage
in interactive games designed to develop leadership abilities.

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